Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Girls Discuss Rolling Stones' 500 Best

From: Ora ...
Do we agree with their list?

From: Tina
I've had some problems browsing the list but from what I can see the main players are Rolling Stones (of course) and Bob Dylan. I would throw out many of the oldies.

From: Ora
Agreed! It bothered me that most of it was from the 60's and 70's. They should not call it "Greatest Songs of All Times" they should call it "Greatest Songs of Aging Baby Boomers Who Think They're So Cool Because They Work at Rolling Stone" who made a gesture by adding a few later songs that they either happened to overhear while sneaking into their kid's room to search for drugs while said kid was in the bathroom, and the television was on MTV, or recognized from the theme of some movie or commercial.

From: Z
In other words, you and Tina are way cooler than the people on Rolling Stone magazine.

From: Ora
Tina definitely is. And like naked people running like sheep to be photographed in the town square, their uncoolness bursts out of every pore as evidenced by this list. It's like they're saying "only the music of the 60's and 70's was any good". Lots of people around today weren't even around then, so this list is totally unrepresentative. There is hardly any new wave on it.

From: Sally

Did you notice the list is from 2004?And another thing to consider – I think that when you try to rank “the best” list, you always try to give some time perspective. Meaning – you don’t include NEW stuff since it did not have enough time to mature…so, in 20-30 years or so, songs from our current decade will be included. Don’t you think?

From: Ora

Good insight! I feel better about the list, having had this brought to my attention. In about 40 years Stan by Eminem will be elevator music. I'll step onto the elevator at the neighborhood retirement home for active seniors and hear the faint piping of "Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have the chance. I ain't mad, I just think it's f**ked up you don't answer fans..." with glockenspiel accompaniment.


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