Thursday, January 8, 2009

An Elephant and a Composter

Before I begin, there is a big elephant sitting in the middle of my blogroom. I'm avoiding it like the plague, because I'm no good at politics, so I leave that to those who do it well, like Politics by Satire, whose blog I really like, and others. But I'm happy as a baby in jello because my daughter is coming home after dodging missiles for too long.

What could be better than a baby in jello? Naturally, two babies in jello: I've discovered the world of compost. Our garden is about the size of a small American master bedroom. But I realized its potential on a trip to Milan where the tiniest gardens are so well kept and full of beautiful roses.

For the past three years I've been growing things by trial and error. I found that basil and chili peppers do best in the shade during summer and in the sun during fall. Herbs such as parsley and cilantro don't do well, period. Radishes do best when you don't dig a hole and pour the entire seed packet into it. Who would've guessed? The couple seeds that missed the community hole came out big, fat, and round while the ones who had company and other radishes to hang out with came out very, very skinny.

Anyway, it seems that those few lucky people who sell composters are happy, happy people. All three guys were were incredibly pleasant and chatty. One offered to bring the composter to my house. Another told me he was going up north tomorrow and invited me along. Actually, it seemed like they had been smoking the compost. I'll find out tomorrow when I go get my composter.

One last thought if you're still with me: After Dooce, who is managing just fine without me, Mattress Police was was the first blog I followed, and unlike Dooce, Diesel actually replies to comments sometimes, so I voted for Diesel yesterday and though it doesn't look like he's been kissing the right butts, I hope he wins.


  1. You aren't supposed to put the entire pack of seeds in one hole? Thanks for the tip maybe my radishes will do better this year. ;)

  2. The garden my wife planted so meticulously was eaten by raccoons, or my neighbor on a bad drunk.

    The only thing we'll plant this year is land mines.

  3. Papercages - I can't belive I did that, don't know where my head was at the time.

    Sinisterdan - Bummer! Maybe wire fencing would keep your raccoon and drunk neighbor out.


Any and all comments welcome...