Monday, November 24, 2008

To My Loyal Readers

Dear Loyal Readers,

I know you are out there. I know because now 6 of you have sent me emails about the blog, and because nobody I know lives in Fargo and Dusseldorf when I had my feedjit utility turned on.

I'm a comment junky. I comment on almost every site that allows comments. It's like having a conversation with a total stranger by internet and you can say anything you want cause nobody knows it's you.
One of the sites I'm in and out of regularly gets hate mail from the far right and the far left all over the world. Every time I read their articles and then those comments my blood pressure races right out of my ears like more naked people racing to be photographed naked as jay birds in the town square. I'd tell you who the site is but I hate them so I'm not gonna give them a plug.

Anyway, this blog has been up and running for like almost 3 weeks and the comments have been pouring in like rockers to a Donny Osmond (google it) concert. I thought I could count on my relatives but Mr. and Msssss Too Busy To Read My Sister's Blog evidently don't have time. I know my mom would comment and think it was wonderful because she loves me but I can't let her see this. So as a public service and to help some of the commentally-challenged, here are some standard comments for you to cut and paste:

  • This sucks, you suck

  • I want to have your baby

  • I hate your stupid blog why would you even think anyone would read this crappola or take the time to comment?

  • Just say NO! to lookingforofframp

  • You have put into words what I have been feeling all my life

  • You are a mutant lower life form who should be eradicated from the blogosphere

  • When I read this all I could think was that you have reached deep deep into my throat and played upon my heartstrings

  • You are the child of satan and even he wouldn't read this crap

  • I'm satan, speak for yourself


  1. I pick: "When I read this all I could think was that you have reached deep deep into my throat and played upon my hearstrings"

    Best post so far, I'm laughing out loud!!! And people don't like that when you work in open space. I might be reported.

  2. Thanks Que,
    You made my day
    Like a sunshine of ray

  3. I'm satan, speak for yourself.

  4. I don't really understand these BLOT thingamajigs, but I'm much impressed with the complexity of what you young kids do today with your new-fangled HTML's or whatever the hell their known as. All these little pictures and links and whatnot. I feel like I'm on AMAZON, only I'm not spending my life-savings on lost episodes of the Western GRIDDLECAKES-- which is a plus. Keep it up!

  5. Anonymous, thank you for your comment. I never heard of Griddlecakes, but loved Lonesome Dove.


Any and all comments welcome...