Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Spam and a Shared Womb

Have you ever wondered about the people now inhabiting the old family homestead or your old dorm room or whatever? Me neither, but I do wonder about the people who inhabited the womb after me. On the one hand, we share DNA, though different combinations, and share the same childhood to a large extent. On the other hand, we may be from different planets.

Two of them have already told me, in the most polite Midwestern terms, that I send too much email. I couldn’t believe they don’t even read what I send, because I send only the best top quality threads, lovingly gleaned, especially for them, from the Buickloads of shlock adorning my inbox.

My daughter, not being from the Midwest, was more direct. She called me “The Queen of Spam”. While that is debatable, as I have never sent anyone offers to enlarge their penis, I kind of like having a title. Z. sent me a link to a list of titles used on the British Airways site that was half a mile long. There must have been over one hundred titles on that site. My favorite is Air Commodore. It kind of makes the part that follows lose any significance. If someone were introduced to me as "Air Commodore Jones" the only part of that handle I'd remember is Air Commodore, and long after the original introduction. Even if I never saw Air Commodore What's His Name again.

Back to my family, I should excuse my sister because if her computer were human it would be going through puberty and giving her more trouble than it does already. The other two may not know how to comment or may be blowing my off consciously or sub-consciously because in an earlier post I gave them a list of comments to copy and paste, which included nasty ones to enable free self-expression.

But the bottom line is, I am chopped liver and since they're not reading this I can write whatever I want!


  1. You are talking about...https://www.britishairways.com/travel/execenrol/public/en_gb

    Your post made echoing laughter bounce of my walls!

  2. Geez, I told you I'd read it but I can't at work. And I probably won't be able to get on it much at home, due to the fact that after a full day at work on the computer, it's usually one of the last things I want to do at home. But as to the contents of your mind....that doesn't really surprise me.

  3. I LOVE getting your e-mail-I may not read ALL of it, but if I had the time- oh ya!From your ancient friend

  4. Anonymous - OK, I couldn't guess this one. How about initials?


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