Does Victoria Have a Dirty Little Secret? - Duh! That is like their undeclared motto, isn't it? I watched the clip (no url so I used a different link here) and discovered that a woman got a rash from her bra and decided to sue the manufacturer. I was kind of curious how this got to be news, cause if I was in America and that happened to me, I would just take it back to the store and get a refund. The stores there are really great that way. If you don't like what you buy, you take it back, and they smile and chitchat with you and give you money back and wish you a nice day. This is certainly one of the reasons that people all over the world, including the middle east, are banging on the doors to get into America, land of the free, home of the brave, friend of the consumer.
But I've been out of the loop too long to realize that this is not the proper way to behave. Ettiquette and social awareness require that I sue the manufacturer. I'm a bit embarassed to admit that I was not thinking considerately about providing employment for the folks who would be involved in handling the lawsuit.
Over here in the wild wild middle east, I would be lucky if they would let me trade the offending bra for another model. Money back? What planet are you living on, lady? And I only have 14 days in which to get even that. If I doze off and 14 days go by, I'm stuck with the nasty thing. And no more smiling and being nice. Suddenly I am the sales lady's enemy. She hates me. I have ruined her day. It's all about her.
6 years ago
What! That sounds like THE BEST bra! I never get a rush from my bra! Moog!