Sunday, November 9, 2008

Car Impounded After Dog Drives Away From Car Wash

Car Impounded After Dog Drives Away From Car Wash - this is how the headline appeared. Just "Dog Drives Away From Car Wash" is news enough, but there's even more going on here. I'm left with so many questions: Why was the dog driving? Why did the dog drive away? Was he unhappy with the service? Did he not pay before driving away?
Why was the car impounded? If a dog was driving, maybe his owner should have been impounded. Maybe the owner was drinking and felt safer letting the dog do the driving.
I had a friend who definitely drove worse than any dog could possibly drive. I don't even know why I got in the car with her but I was 18 and had to achieve Fun, and there was no bus service in my area and she had a car. Anyway, when there was an intersection with just a stop sign, she'd slowly inch into the middle of the intersection and then stop. My suggestions to stop at the sign first went unheeded, as she found it easier to see if any cars were coming from the middle of the intersection. She did not drive above 40 mph, freeway or not. We attracted a lot of cursing in which our virtue, and the virtue of both of our mothers came into question quite often. When anyone else was driving, she tried to make herself useful by telling them how to drive. I set her up once with my cousin. When I asked her how it went, she said that he's quite temperamental and she wasn't sure if she'd accept another date with him when he calls. When I asked him, he said she wouldn't stop telling him how to drive so he got pissed off and put her in the trunk.

1 comment:

  1. Now that you mention it....I remember that. My dog is too short to drive unless he perched on his back feet.


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