Monday, December 29, 2008

Blogging Obsession

I was in the shower when I felt a blog post coming on. I slammed the faucet down, threw on a towel, and raced for the computer. The towel didn't totally dry me off and I slipped in my own drip dry water and fell flat on my butt. Broken and bruised, I crawled to the computer and with my last gram of strength, assumed the position and started typing.

I've been at this less than two months, but every night I spend a good three hours on the computer after a 9+ hour day on the computer at work.
My mouse hand is way sore.

Twice I've deleted posts that I thought were stupid, only to have my work buddies or another blogger say that they liked that particular post and ask why I deleted it. Maybe I should leave them in. Besides, even though I delete them, parts of them still appear on Humor Blogs, like vampires that refuse to die. (Note to self: buy steaks, garlic, and crosses)

The following questions remain unanswered:

  • Is there such thing as blog ettiquette? If someone leaves me a comment or a smiley do I automatically return the favor, even if I can't think of anything intelligent to say or didn't understand the post? What about keepin' it real?

  • If Diesel answers my email, do I write back to thank him or leave him in peace as he probably has buickloads of bloggers to process?

  • What is going on with English? I visit blogs of the people who visit mine, but some posts go over my head as I've been out of the country too long and there are all these words - snarky, meme, etc., that were not there when I left, and stores and restaurants that I haven't heard of, and googling every other sentence messes up the flow...

  • How many times can I vote for myself? Is it stupid not to? Like on America's Next Top Model which I never watch when Tyra asks Amberjessicait which girl she thinks should win and then when Amberjessicait says one of the other girls' name, Tyra votes Amberjessicait off because she "doesn't want this enough".


  1. 1. Blog etiquette: No. No (except in my case ;). But seriously, yes.

    2. Diesel: Thank him. It's rare he answers us peons (of course, now this means he'll answer this; he's got radar like that).

    3. I don't know.

    4. Four posts per day. Yes; it's peer pressure. Personally I'm not in favor of voting for myself, but if everyone else is doing it. The only ones I don't vote for myself are (yes, this is true) a contact form post. I put up a contact form and it went up as a new post. Surprisingly, I had two people though that voted for it.

    What happened to your marching band post? I was looking forward to reading that and then it

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, I didn't see UR had answered when I made my comment. That's why I deleted it. I'm leaving before I sound even more stupid than I already do.

    Good post. :)

  4. Hi UR,
    Re marching band post, you're the second who requested it but I was in a bad mood when I deleted and didn't save. It was a true story so maybe I can recreate it.
    Re voting, I agree with you but since it is allowed, not doing so would put us at a disadvantage. However, I thought we were allowed four every thirty days so I'm off to vote for myself.

  5. PC - Thank you! And you don't sound stupid!!!

  6. I feel ya, but hey, snarky? I explained what that means. :( Wait. Am I being snarky now? I better go reread my

    Seriously, all the questions you've raised, I think we all have. Who knows the real answers?!! I think they are different for everyone. Some people reciprocate and some people don't. I have to admit though, I probably pay more attention to those who do. I'm a Cancer and we are all about fairness ~~ it's a curse sometimes!!! :D


Any and all comments welcome...