Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sex and the Single Girl

Would you want a shop teacher who had never touched a power drill, or a driving teacher who had never driven a car? Well I would have prefered that my sex education teacher had a bit of experience. That should be a basic prerequisite. But I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that she was a registered virgin. The first clue was that she was a nun. The second, she was afraid to even say the word, and she sent the boys out of the classroom and locked the door so that they would not find out about it. I didn't know any more about it than she did, so it was really the blind leading the blind.
Sex education in my class consisted of a movie starring Disney characters. I'm sure that Bambi and Thumper never imagined that they'd have starring roles in a sex flick. With the help of geometrical shapes floating around and interacting with each other, Bambi and Thumper had the task of explaining to us The Secret of Life. Not that an uninformed 10 year old could have guessed that that was what the movie was about. In my case it remained a secret for several years until my sister gave me a copy of The Summer of '42. They should have just passed out that book. Or, if they wanted to stay with the cartoon character theme, Fritz the Cat would have done the trick. Literally.


  1. Like your new masthead, off ramp!

    You're lucky, we were taken into small dark rooms with lesbians and shown 1970's educational videos!

  2. que? I am scarred for life, who was running the show back then?

  3. the lesbians!

    Off ramp, give us something new!

  4. I saw the same movie, for years I thought something was wrong with me-they showed womans "private parts" from a side view- I kept looking at the side of my hip thinking I must be deformed.


Any and all comments welcome...